Lyon, Paris

Goodbye 2017, hello 2018

So here we are. At last, 2017 is ending, and leaves room for 2018. Though I’ve never been a huge fan of New Year festivities (I must confess every year, New Year looks a bit like the ultimate 10 km of a long marathon of gluttony, while the Epiphany six days later could be thought as a kind of warm-down session, I guess), it is still an important milestone in life. It’s a day when you’re offered the opportunity about what you’ve done in the past year, and what you want to do in the year that is ahead.

2017 has been quite a mixed year for me. On the positive side, I’ve started my professional life at last (though I already had had more than a year of professional experience before, I only got my degree in September 2016). I feel I’ve continued to progress in what I consider my number 1 passion in life right now, photography (number 2 is Lyon). I’ve also learned a lot of things professionally, and though I still don’t really get what I want to do with my life, I guess I’m beginning to understand things better and at last getting a bit humbler. Last, I’ve met some wonderful people, mostly at work, but also in my personal life.

On the negative side, well, I’ve lost the person I cared the most for. Not that she died (God, that would be awful, and I hope I’ll never hear such news). But after two years together, we parted. I thought she was kind of my twin, my soulmate. It was hard. Very hard. It shook me entirely, and even today, I’m not close to how happy I was in the beginning of 2017. I’m thankful for the two years we spent together. I loved that clever and strong-minded tiny bit of a woman as much as my tiny bit of heart could, and I’m pretty sure she’ll do great things, or at least be a great person, which she’s always been.

Not surprisingly, this has put me in quite a turmoil. And it hurt me all the more since it forced me to think about myself, which is something I’ve run away from for a long time. I must confess I still feel lost. This is the main reason why I’m not writing a lot these days, nor doing much photography stuff.

So what do I have in mind for 2018 ? Well, the first thing I have to do is pursue my learnings in photography. As said previously, this is my number 1 passion, and I want to become better this year, have new challenges, and take more qualitative pictures. Professionally, I want to know more about statistics, data analysis and programmatic. Even though this is not my education, I’m more and more interested in these fields. And regarding the paths I want to take for my future life, I’ve decided that I’d now look for professional opportunities in Lyon more carefully. I think I’m a person that needs close friends and family around, and I’m really missing Lyon too much. Plus, I really can’t stand Paris any longer (too much pressure, anxiety, and no opportunity to build a family life here). Last but not least, I’ll get my driving license this year.

In the meantime, I wish you all a very happy new year. I’ve selected the 11 of my favorite pictures this year for you. I hope my selection next year will be even better ! Happy New Year !!!

3 thoughts on “Goodbye 2017, hello 2018”

  1. Fantastic images, Pierre. Wishing you a great 2018 in your professional and personal life. Hope to see more of your beautiful scenes in the coming year.


  2. Pierre! I can’t tell you how happy I am to see your post, even as my sympathy goes out to your broken heart. I wish you every success in the goals you have set for yourself in the year ahead — especially in finding work in Lyon. May 2018 bring you renewed happiness, good health, and inspiration. Absolutely GORGEOUS photos, by the way …


  3. A beautiful selection of photos, and a well thought out summary of the year. Those are wise words about the drawbacks to life in the big city, whether it’s Paris, London or New York. I’m sure you’ll go far towards your goals this year, and hope that your personal life is more fulfilling, too. Take care, and here’s to more creative expression in 2018!


It's nice to see you here! How are you?